


The story of

Charles Edward High was born in Salthouse on the 21st January 1889.
His parents were Edward and Anna Maria High.
He worked as a boy on the Hall farm
when the picture of him below was taken, and that is where he met his fiance Bessie who was working there as a maid.

Charlie aged about 16,
taken from the farm group below.


told by his grandson
Steve Shipley

My grandfather was held in high esteem by all who knew him and commanded the greatest respect as he had a most loving and caring personality.

I and my family visit Salthouse several times a year as I truly believe my ancestors are buried in the Bronze Age barrows on the heath.

Charlie High several years later

Horace Foulger, farmer at the Hall in 1908,
poses with his wife and his workers.

click on the picture to see it full size

Charlie's father Edward High
with his brother Thomas and their father,
Charles High, born 1824 and known as 'Old Eggie'

click on the picture to see it full size


Charlie married Bessie Dickerson who he met when they were both working at Salthouse Hall.

To save up enough money to get married and provide a future financially for them both, Charlie joined the British Railways and worked hard for 3 and a half years before voyaging to Australia to help construct the railways there.

Steam Ship MILTIADES, which took Charles High to Australia in 1911
The ship that took Charles to New South Wales.

Click on the ship to see full size

October 1912
Bessie had this phot0 taken by Bond in Magdalen Street, Norwich, and sent it to:

Mr C. E. High,
C/o The Post Office,
New South Wales,

She wrote:
"Is this good of your Darling do you think?
Ever yours"

Today, Bessie and Charlie’s two daughters Margery and Doreen (left) (now aged 87 and 80), tell the story of their parents' meeting:

       When their mother was a maid at the Hall and she was hanging out the washing, their father, the farm-worker boy, told her "You should hang them up straight, Miss!" — whereupon she told him to mind his own business!    

                   And that’s how they met.

charlie's good character as railway employeereference from  rev Dalby 1911

click on the references to see them






Charles High is said to be the chap sitting on top of the line-cutter
(but I think he is 3rd from the left)

is this "Paddy's" Gang? [see one of the references]. One of them is Charlie - maybe middle right?

Charlie with his own band

click the pic to see Charlie in his
own band with his name spelt 'Haigh'

another of his talents was drawing
click the church picture

click to enlarge
the post card from
his Mother

Home at Last

For the last page, click the picture



© Val Fiddian 2005