Some of the oldest maps
Salthouse as it appears on Faden's map of 1797, before the Rocket House was built. The marsh was a vast expanse of tidal water. |
Below: The first Ordnance Survey map 1838 |
Barely discernable, in this poor reproduction, you can just see Little Eye, Great Eye- marked as 'Lodge Hill', and Gramborough Hill. To the right of Lodge Hill is Flat Eye where locals of a past generation could remember hay being made and cows taken to graze. |
click the thumnail to see it enlarged |
In the above slice of an 1886 map (Norfolk sheet XNW) |
use this link to go to and see the 1891 village map which can be enlarged - click here |
The Ancient Channel map Long wait or short wait Many thanks to Henry Cordeaux for lending some of the maps on this page
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