Some of the oldest maps

Salthouse as it appears on Faden's map of
1797,  before the Rocket House was built.
The marsh was a vast expanse of tidal water.

This view of Great Eye (called  'Lodge Hill' on early maps), shows the beach road and the Rocket House  in the 1930s-1940s.


Below: The first Ordnance Survey map 1838


Barely discernable, in this poor reproduction, you can just see Little Eye, Great Eye- marked as 'Lodge Hill', and  Gramborough Hill.  To the right of Lodge Hill is Flat Eye where locals of a past  generation could remember hay being made  and cows taken to graze.

The Houghton Tithe Map 1838

click the thumnail to see it enlarged

In the above slice of an 1886 map (Norfolk sheet XNW)
'Lodge Hill' (Great Eye) with Flat Eye to the right of it,
and beach road are easily discernable and the Rocket House
is marked I think but, in this reproduction, impossible to read.


use this link to go to and see the 1891 village map which can be enlarged - click here

The Ancient Channel map  Long wait or short wait                       Many thanks to Henry Cordeaux for lending some of the  maps on this page

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© Val Fiddian 2005