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from the Norfolk Archdeaconry Court Wills for Salthouse 1453 -1542

1506   BARRET,   Robert of Salthouse.

1505   COOKE,   John of Salthouse.

1505  GILHAM   William of Salthouse.

1507  MABBS/MABBES   Robert of Salthouse

1506   SEAMAN/SEMAN   Thomas of Salthouse

1510   WRIGHT/WRYGHT   Henry of Salthouse.

This first list has been made specially for this site by Honor Jones of Canada (born in Sheringham), who did the work of extracting the Salthouse entries from 3 volumes of the Norfolk Archdeaconry Court will indexes, published by the Norfolk & Norwich Genealogical Society (now the Norfolk Family History Society). and their email address is

donated to this site by Honor Jones

© Val Fiddian 2004





1550 - 1603

1557 Katharine ATKINSON of Salthouse, Nfk. Widow.

1576 Simon BROWNE of Salthouse, Nfk.

1555 Richard GOLDING of Salthouse, Nfk.

1558 Robert HOWSE of Salthouse, Nfk.

1593 Stephen JERVYS or GERBYSE of Salthouse, Clerk.

1557 Robert PARRE of Salthouses, Nfk.

1593 Nicholas PEDDER, of Salthouse, Nfk. Mariner.

1558 John WAGSTAFFE or WAGESTAF of Salthouse, Nfk.

1590 Robert WARNER of Salthouse, Nfk. Husbandman.

This second list, 1550 -1857 is also the work of Honor Jones, extracted from 5 volumes for indexes to Wills proved in the
Norwich Consistory Court
, published by
the Norfolk Record Society
and now out of print.

Kindly donated to this site by Honor Jones
© Val Fiddian 2005

1687 - 1750

1745 Thomas BUCKMAN of Salthouse. Nfk. Mariner.

1744 Elizabeth COLLS of Salthouse. Nfk.

1725 Thomas DUNN of Salthouse, Nfk. Tiler.

1729 William OTTY of Salthouse, Nfk.

1747 James PHOKER of Salthouse, Nfk. Yeoman.

1604 - 1686

1677 Mary DAWNEY of Salthouse, Nfk.

1642 Thomas DAWNEY of Salthouse, Nfk. Clerk.

1686 James GREEVE of Salthouse, Nfk. Mariner.

1639 Nicholas KENDALL of Salthouse, Nfk. - the unprofitable servant of Jesus Christ.


1751 - 1818

1770 Elizabeth JOHNSON of Salthouse, Nfk. Widow

1784 Catherine ABRAHAM of Salthouse, Nfk. Widow

1814 William BRERETON of Salthouse, Nfk. Yeoman

1780 James BUNTING of Salthouse, Nfk. Mariner

1804 Rebecca CHAMBERLAIN of Salthouse, Nfk. Spinster*

1765 Susanna CHAPLIN of Salthouse, Nfk. Widow

1770 Elizabeth CHRISTOPHER of Salthouse, Nfk. Spinster.

1816 William MASON of Salthouse & Cley. Nfk. Labourer.

1782 Richard MAYHAM of Salthouse, Nfk. Yeoman.

1786 Susanna MOY of Salthouse, Nfk. Widow.

1810 John SPENCE of Salthouse, Nfk. Carpenter.

1817 James THOMPSON of Salthouse, Nfk. Labourer.

1776 Sarah WHITE of Salthouse, Nfk. Widow


1819 - 1857

1821 William LOUND the Elder of Salthouse. Nfk. Yeoman.

1846 James POOLEY of Salthouse, Labourer.

1850 Mary MACK of Salthouse, Nfk. Spinster.

1851 Robert FARTHING Salthouse Cordwainer.

1824 James MANSBRIDGE of Salthouse Nfk. Gent, pensioner of Royal Train Artillery

1826 John SMITH of Salthouse, Nfk. Mariner.

1852 Frederick THORPE of Salthouse, Nfk. Labourer




To obtain copies of any of these wills from the NRO






If a person died intestate (without making a will) then the recipient or the beneficiary was required to make a sworn statement that they believed he/she died without making a will. The form used blank areas to be filled in by the deponent.

to see a transcription of such an Affidavit, select the link below:

Affidavit for Elizabeth Dew of Salthouse. Dated 1809.

SEE Peter Abraham's Will 1639


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© Val Fiddian 2005

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