Some members of the Dix family  

Alice Dix helped her uncle Herbert Pigott with deliveries of bread

James Dix, Master Mariner
James Dix Master Mariner

c. 1920
Left to right: Herbert Pigott the baker (who married Amelia Hancock), Alice Dix his neice, Charlotte Dix his sister, and Edie Dix his neice. They once lived in the cottage behind the Bake House.

herbert Pigott and his bake cart out side Weybourne ChurchHerbert Pigott with his bake
cart delivering as far away as Weybourne (it is Weybourne Priory Church behind him).

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Sammy Dix, Charlotte's son, in the pub rolling a cigarette c.1947. Behind him, on the left, is Herbert Graveling, Charlotte's grandson, who was killed in the Korean war in 1952. He is talking to Terry Holman.


Dorothy Thomson who lives in the house where the Dixes once lived

Dorothy Thomson
remembers Alice

Alice Dix married Walter Graveling the landlord of the Dun Cow

Dorothy Thomson who lives in the cottage where Charlotte Dix brought up her children, remembers Alice:
" In my early days here, Alice Graveling was churchwarden, and although she was old when I knew her, at one time she was the backbone of the church. She told me that she was born in my house, she was one of seven children whose father died, *and their widowed mother kept them on vegetables and eggs - the proceeds of the garden. Alice's own son was tragically killed in the Korean War.


Gerald Cubitt, told a story which invoved Sammy Dix:

There was a great community spirit in the village in the old days. Everyone would help each other. There would be two busses leave the green in July to go to Yarmouth, run by the Sunday School . Sammy Dix, he was a smallholder, he had a marsh here. He got on the bus all dressed up to go to Yarmouth with the rest of us, and someone said "Look! Your horse is in the bottom drain" and I know someone come along and said "Don't worry about your horse, you go along and enjoy yourself! We'll get it out of the drain for you"
And that was the co-operation this village enjoyed, he went knowing the people left behind would get his horse out of the drain. Sammy Dix lived in the cottage immediately before you get to the Cley Lane off Purdy Street on the right hand side as you come from the green. 
Gerald Cubitt remembers


from the marriage registers we find some of the others of the seven children of Charlotte and Samuel Dix:
Elsie Maria Dix, daughter of Samuel Dix (deceased), married
William Albert Victor Clarke, a carpenter from Wroxham, Oct 8th 1921


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For a list of some of some of the Dixes appearing in the 19th century marriage registers click here  
© Val Fiddian 2005