
            Salthouse Floods               1949

This was taken from the house situated exactly opposite beach road.
 In 1949 it was the home of the Misses Lascelles.

The Rocket House on Great Eye, seen here across the flooded marsh,  survived this flood.  Great Eye became an island, and an army officer's wife was marooned there, for quite a time.

In the picture below, members of the Cooke family can be seen rowing supplies out to her. the picture is taken by her son Michael sitting in the stern of the boat.




Relief Party Reaches
Rocket House

Across the floods, standing in isolation on Salthouse beach, completely surrounded by water, was the old coastguard rocket house with its single occupant, Mrs Fielden, the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel S. Fielden stationed at Weybourn.
       Walking across two miles of shingle bank, out of which mines washed up by the heavy seas were showing, a party of troops and 2nd Lieutenant G. Harding, from Weybourne camp acompanied by a reporter, reached Mrs Fielden on wednesday. The troops brought bread milk, three pails of water and candles.
        "It was too wonderful to frighten me!" Mrs Fielden said. When she awoke on Tuesday the sea was breaking over the shingle banks and swirling into the marshes towards Salthouse. At times the water washed very close to the house which stands on a high mound of earth. In front of it a former military pill-box was washed away, and the high shingle bank in front of it had disappeared

The 5 Cookes
 Bob,  Billy,  Charlie, Tom, and George

Below: The Cookes in the boat were all flooded out themselves and had spent a rough night in an out-house before rowing out to take provisions to Mrs Fielden: 

Many thanks to Betty Driver for the old newspaper cuttings.

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© Val Fiddian 2005