

click a thumbnail to see it
view from Dun Cow Wendy Elsden's picture of the Dun Cow cut off in 1996 the coast road completely under water The coast road outside the old Bakery after the flood waters of the 1996 flood have withdrawn a little

Murray Galvin took this photo in 1996 from the Dun Cow.

Wendy Elsden took this photo of the Dun Cow and the marsh.

The coast road disappeared outside the Old Bakery.

nearly the same view - another of Wendy Elsden's photos, the flood receded to show the coast road.

looking towards Cley
click the picture to see more

The bottom of Cross Street

bottom of Cross Street
An EDP photo
thought to be 1996
Photos taken by Peter King of Salthouse

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for a list of years that Salthouse has suffered from the sea click here (from the JFK School project)

for a detailed look at the causes and results of the Storm Surge of 1996, see the John F Kennedy School's project

© Val Fiddian 2005