Records dating from 1538
Buried and lost

have a look at the latest news on it



At the beginning of the 1939-45  War,  the rector buried the parish records in the churchyard to save them from the Germans - and there they remained under the earth, wrapped only in newspaper and cloth,  until a family-history researcher made enquiries
and initiated a search.

Ultimately they were found - but they were in a very sad state!


to see transcriptions of some of the 16th century marriages recorded on these pages (made by Commander Frank Stagg RN in the 1930s, before they were buried),
click here


 Above: a close up of the top of the folio leaf on the right with the hole in it.
See below for a transcript of the words on the page The text of the above folio reads:

The hole in the parchment is the result of a wound in
the skin of the animal it came from - it might have
been an insect bite - which became enlarged as the
skin  was treated. The scribe merely wrote around it!

Buryalls  Anno Domini 1683
     James the son of William Cook and Ann his wife was buried in the churchyard of Salthouse on the 3rd of April 1683 according to the woollen Act in the . . .
John Brown a Scothsman of Preston pans was buried on the 8th day of December in wool  according to the late Act in that made  . . . provided.
Elizabeth the daughter of John Moon and Elizabeth his wife was buried on the 23rd day of January in wool according to the woollen Act . . .

The inscription
on one of the
oldest eighteenth century graves
in the churchyard.

Here lies the body
of  Susanna wife of  William Chaplin
daughter of  John  Moon.

certainly a relation
of  Elizabeth who
died in 1683

The Woollen Act of 1667

"No corpse of any person (except those who shall die of the plague) shall be buried in any shirt, shift, sheet or shroud or anything whatsoever, made or mingled with flax, hemp, silk, hair, gold or silver, or in any stuff or thing other than what is made from sheep's wool only . . .

This law was apparently intended to help the wool trade.


You can see the first pictures of the start of the conservation process taken by the Conservator Antoinette Curtis: Click HERE and latest news here

back to Salthouse history Home Page or back to the early pages of transcriptions of these records before they were damaged

© Val Fiddian 2005