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Some spectacular Salthouse Pigotts of the nineteenth century

Gabriel Pigott
Elizabeth Pane who married Gabriel Pigott Gabriel's daughter Mary Elizabeth the daughter of Gabriel Pigott who married her cousin Gabriel Pigott

Gabriel Pigott
born 1821

Elizabeth Pane
his 2nd wife

Mary daughter born 1853

Elizabeth Margaret
2nd daughter

Charlotte 3rd 


There was another daughter Caroline, and a son, Edmund, who emigrated to New Zealand and married there.

Here are the menwho married the three daughters pictured above

young Gabriel, the son of Gabriel's brother John Pigott John William High with his wife Charlotte, Gabriel's youngest daughter

Gabriel was the son
of the first Gabriel 's
brother John

James High and
John William High
were sons of the
1st Gabriel's
sister Hannah.

James High who
married  his cousin
Mary Pigott

Gabriel Pigott who
married his cousin
Elizabeth Pigott
John William High
who married his cousin Charlotte Pigott


CLICK here to see a family tree of Salthouse Pigotts made by Val from Paula Round's info

if you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader click here

click here to see John Pigott b.1841,
the son of Gabriel Pigott (top left)'s brother John.

Thought to be Robert Rogers Spence Pigott
see Stuart Ritson's family tree of Pigotts Click here

More Pigotts

© Val Fiddian 2005