This page is added to try out a very clever zoom device , I found at:


As you may have realized, this is an image magnifier. If you move your mouse over the picture, you can see a little zoom window with a magnified version of a part of the picture in it. But there is more:

  • If you click and DRAG UPWARDS your mouse, the zoom ratio increases,
  • if you click and DRAG DOWNWARDS your mouse, the zoom ratio decreases,
  • NEW! if you click and DRAG TO THE RIGHT your mouse, the zoom window increases,
  • NEW! and if you click and DRAG TO THE LEFT your mouse, the zoom window decreases.

this one works very strangely sometimes over on the right!! (click first on the picture then move mouse over to the right!)

it's off, switch it ON

You need to switch the zoom device ON for this one!



© Val Fiddian 2007