Salthouse Marriages
1755 - 1836

cover photos© NRO
1 March 1755 Alexander BRIDGES Salthouse

Frances BURTON

Salthouse Francis Massingham John Boale
2 April 1755 Thomas BARKER Norwich Mary BRIDGES Salthouse
Francis Massingham
William Burton
3 October 1756 Thomas BUNTING, Widower Salthouse Sarah COWPER, Widow Salthouse
Francis Massingham
Sarah Chaplin
4 Dec 1756 Peter BURTON Salthouse Mary STARLING Salthouse
Thomas Starling
Deborah Mayham
5 April 1757 Henry TUCKE Edgefield Amy MOULTON Salthouse
Robert Starling
James Winn
6 August 1758 John SPENCE Salthouse Sarah THURTILL Weybourn Hoop
James Winn
7 October 1758 Edward SMITH Salthouse Ann HARLEY or STANLEY? Salthouse
Peter Abraham
James Winn
John Rector[! ]
8 Sept 1759 John EWIN Salthouse Elisabeth BOCK Salthouse
James Winn
William Bock
John Boale Rect.
9 October 1759 ThomasCOOPER Salthouse Elisabeth HEWELL Salthouse

Peter Abraham
James Winn

10 December 1759 Robert PALMER Plumstead Elisabeth CAWSTON Salthouse
Sarah Chaplin
James Winn
John BoaleRct
11 February 1760 Peter BURTON, widower Salthouse Ann COTTON Salthouse
Robert Jules?
12 November 1761 Jacob SMITH Cley Tamasin YOUNGS Salthouse
Peter Abraham
Robert Pane
13 July 1762 James LAKE Stody Ellen STARLING Salthouse
Thomas Driver
Charles Starling
14 July 1762 James RAM Salthouse Elisabeth BLAKE Salthouse
Robert Starling?
Robert Pane
15 September 1762 William THUCKFORD? Cawston Elisabeth TRACEY?
Robert Howard
16 October 1762 Robert WHITE Cley Sarah BUNTING Salthouse
J. Worsted
Susannah Chaplin
17 February 1764 Samuel STARLING St Margarets in Linn Regis Elisabeth BARKER Salthouse
Robert White
Ann Grayling?
18 May 1764 Robert PANE Salthouse Deborah MAYHAM Salthouse
Robert Howard
John Frost
19 November 1764 William LOWND Salthouse Elizabeth OVERTON Salthouse
Henry Ramm
Fenn Lewis
20 November 1764 Wiliam BOYCE Field Dalling Mary Ann OARSLEY Salthouse
Ann Gageing?
Mary Curtis
21 December 1764 Thomas MOY Weybourne Susannah WILSON Salthouse
John Cawston
Robert Pane
November 1766 Robert STARLING, Kings Lynn Ann GAGEING Salthouse
Mary Curtis
John Gageing
23 12 February 1767 Robert HOWARD, Mariner Salthouse Sarah CHAPLYN Salthouse
Henry Chaplyn
Robert Starling
24 26 February 1767 Robert STARLING Salthouse Elizabeth CHAPLYN Salthouse
Robert Howard
Ann --
25 July 1767 William DIX Salthouse Rose FROST Salthouse
John Warns
Marsham Purdy
26 4 January 1768 Rice? RAMM Binham or Banham? Margaret MAYS Salthouse
Hen: Ramm
27 12 January 1768 Fenn LEWIS Salthouse Frances KING Salthouse W. Burton?
Elizabeth Shuckford
28 22 June 1768 Luke VERNON Salthouse Mary FRANKLIN
Salthouse Thomas Wortley
John Howard
Saml. Johnson Clerk
29 28 February 1769 William LONG Alborough Ann THAXTER Salthouse Robert Starling
john Long
Robert Thomlinson
30 18 October 1769 William SADLER Salthouse Sarah WRIGHT Salthouse Henry Ramm
John Fuller Charles Reeder
Robert Thomlinson
31 January 1770 William CHAPLIN Salthouse Susanna WILLIAMS Salthouse
Frances Pile
Eliz Shuckford
Thos. Heworth?
32 24 July 177?can't read it John CRANFIELD Waybourn Abigail CHRISTOPHER Salthouse
John Mayham
James Cranfield
Robt Thomlinson
33 November 1972 John MAYHAM Salthouse Martha STARLING Salthouse
Thomas Driver
Charles Starling
James Athill Clerk
34 October 1773 John ARGER Salthouse Elizabeth STARLING Widow Salthouse
Thomas Driver
William Sadler
Robt Thomlinson
35 14 Nov 1775

Dixon HOSTE Esq

Ingoldsthorpe Margaret STANFORTH
a minor

William Hoste
John Hogg

Jermyn Pratt Clerk
36 18 Nov 1775


Burnham Depdale [sic] Ann OTTEY? Salthouse W. B? [writing so bad]
Thos. Mena? Clerk
37 December1776 William CARRISON Foulsham Rose RAMM Salthouse
Henry Ramm
Thomas Driver
Robt Thomlinson
38 November 1777 John HOWARD Cley Elizabeth EWIN, Widow Salthouse
Richard Jabson?
Thomas driver
Robert Thomlinson
39 February 1778 Thomas GIRDLESTONE Salthouse Mary Anne CAWSTON Salthouse ?
Thomas Driver
40 December 1778 Thomas Platten Blakeney Anne Cock Salthouse Thomas Driver
Benjamin Bunn ?
41 February 1779 Samuel JOY Cley Mary MANN Salthouse
Thomas Mann
W. Brunton
Robt. Thomlinson
42 April 1779 Benjamin BUNN Holt Ann CHAPLYN Salthouse
Thomas Platten
Thomas Driver
43 26 April 1779 Robert SPENCE Salthouse Ann GOGLE Salthouse
Frances Harrison
Thomas Driver
William Girdlestone
44 January 1781 Robert PARTRIDGE Salthouse Sarah DYBALL Salthouse
Thomas Harrison
John Cranfield
45 February 1781 William KEW Salthouse Mary CHAPMAN Salthouse Thomas Matthews
John Cranfield

William Girdlestone
46 March 1782 Robert STARLING Salthouse Sarah Ann JARY Salthouse Richard Hunt
John Cranfield
47 October 1782 Thomas ANDREWS Salthouse Mary DANIEL Salthouse Thomas Girdlestone
John Cranfield
48 March 1784 Augustine ELLIOT Salthouse Frances SMITH Salthouse Susannah Howard
John Cranfield
49 October 1784 Francis MANN
Salthouse Frances BURTON Salthouse James Burton
John Cranfield
50 November 1785 Jonathan GOGLE Salthouse Elizabth LEARNER Salthouse Christopher Cock
John Cranfield
51 April 1786 John BENNET Salthouse Mary RICE Salthouse Robert Pane
John Cranfield
52 July 1787 Lacock MOY,
Salthouse Anne DRIVER, widow Salthouse John Fuller
John Cranfield
53 October 1788 John SOUTHGATE,
Salthouse Diana WILLIAMS, widow Salthouse Alice Fuller
John Fuller
54 February 1790 Elias HARMER Kelling Sarah BETTS Salthouse Susannah? Pane
John Cranfield
_____________________no entry _______________________
56 October 1793 Thomas PURDY Egmore Ann PURDY Salthouse Elizabeth J . Girdlestone
Anne Mack
57 December 1793 William GIBBS,
Sheringham Ann PLATTEN,
Salthouse John Clarke
John Cranfiels
58 8 May 1794 John CLARKE Salthouse Elizabeth SPENCE Salthouse James Hardingham
Sarah Spence
59 October 1794 Adam BLOGG Salthouse Elizabeth WILLIAMSON Salthouse Robert Garrett
Mary Williams
60 December 1796 Robert BLOOME
Salthouse Alice COOKE Salthouse Anne Vial
Mary Dix
61 October 1797 John REYNOLDS Dawling Elizabeth BURTON Salthouse Thomas Andrews
Ann High
62 September 1798 John DIX Salthouse Ann DYBALL Salthouse
Mary Dix
Matthew Dyball
63 October 1798 William MASH Cley Anne MACK Salthouse
Ann Purdy
Hannah Purdy
64 November 1798 Christopher WODEHOUSE Salthouse Elizabeth LEARNER Salthouse

Elizabeth Pells
Sarah Learner

65 January 1799 James POOLY Salthouse Mercy PRATT Salthouse
Thos? Andrews
Sophia Cranfield
66 May 1799 Thomas PROUDFOOT Salthouse Frances SPENCE Salthouse
Mary Ann Proudfoot
Robert Thurston
67 7 May 1799 Samuel PERFREMENT Salthouse Susannah PAYNE Salthouse
John Matthews
Mary Matthews
68 2 Oct 1800 Robert THURSTON Cley Margaret PTOUDFOOT Salthouse John Proudfoot
Elizabeth THURSTON
69 14 Oct 1800 Thomas DEW   Anne KEYMER   -? Dew
Elizabeth Rix [Rice?]
70 October 1802 William DIX Salthouse Sarah LEARNER Salthouse
Mary Dix
Anne Harmer
71 July 1803 Thomas DOYLE Blakeney Alice LANE Salthouse

Eliza ?
John Fuller

72 November 1803 Daniel EASTER Cothensing?? Mary DIX Salthouse
Sarah Easter
John Dix
73 December 1803 Thomas DEW, widower Salthouse Elizabeth RIX Salthouse
William Cubitt
Anne Spence
74 April 1804 John LEARNER Salthouse Martha FIELD Salthouse
Mabelle? Learner
Mary Learner
75 October 1804 William MILLER Wiveton Thomasin LEWIS Salthouse
James Clarke
Susannah Coe?
76 November 1804 John PANE Salthouse Elizabeth GIBBS Salthouse
Carboe? Cranfield
Mary Matthews
77 June 1805 Charles LEWIS Salthouse Susannah Coe? Salthouse
James Clarke/
John South?
78 )ctober 1805 Edmund WEST Salthouse Eleanor SPENCE  
Mary Matthews
John Pane
79 November 1805 Thomas DIX Salthouse Lydia WILLIAMS Salthouse
Adam Blogg
Mary Williams
J C Leake, Minister
80 April 1807 Thomas BURCHAM Salthouse Sarah BROWNE Salthouse

Edward Field
Anne Spence

Willm Girdlestone
81 July 1807 William LOWNE Salthouse Rose HEARNE Weybourne
Saml Perfrement
Martha Hearne
82 7 February 1809 James AYTON Alborough Maria SPENCE Salthouse
Elizabeth Spence
Edmund Spence
83 November 1809 James PLATTIN, widower Kelling Mary BEALE, widow Salthouse
John Cranfield
Abigail Cranfield
84 December 1809 Edmund PAYNE Salthouse Margaret CROW Salthouse
John Gibbs
Amy Lubbock
85 May 1810 George DEW Salthouse Sarah STARLING Salthouse
Jane? Proudfoot
Frances Starling
86 June 1810 William CUBITT Salthouse Mary HIGHE Salthouse Lydia Denning?
John Gibbs
87 October 1811 William Hardingham Salthouse Sarah DUFFIELD Salthouse Thomas Hearne
Ann Sadler
88 December 1811 Thomas HIGHE Salthouse Anne WILLIAMSON Salthouse Charlotte Keymer
William Cubitt
89 November 1812 Robert SPENCE Salthouse Anne BROWNWILL Salthouse Susan Gidney? Sidney?
Thomas? Proudfoot
90 --not filled in William JARVIS Cley Elizabeth Mi--l=d Salthouse not filled in  
91 July 18? John Piggott Salthouse Sarah SPENCE Salthouse not completed J G Girdlestone
  PAGE 1 of new book (it seems)          
1b        February 1813 John GIBBS Salthouse Anne LUBBOCK Salthouse Sarah Grow
Francis Ives
Willm Girdlestone
2b December 1814 Francis IVES Salthouse Sarah JACKSON Salthouse Susan Blogg
John Gibbs
3b April 1815 Peter WILLIAMS Salthouse Charlotte KEYMER Salthouse William Youngman
Sarah Keymer
4b -- 1816 Robert F-- W ? Cley Mary LEARNER Salthouse Anne -- Jordan
Susan gidney
5b December 1816 Edward FIELD
Salthouse Sarah MILLER Salthouse Anne '?
Maria Green
6b October 1818 William HOWELL Salthouse Elizabeth CURSON Salthouse George Parton
Phebe Perfrement
7b 9 October 1818 Thomas DYBALL widower Wells Anne PROUDFOOT Salthouse Thomas Dyball
Anne Proudfoot
8b 15 October 1818 John MOY Salthouse Susannah THOMPSON Salthouse Samuel Perfrement
Sarah Ann Moy
9b July 1819 William PIGOTT Weybourne Sarah Ann MOY Salthouse Robert Long
Mary -?
10b October 1819 David PROUDFOOT Blakeney Sarah Ann CUBITT Salthouse Phebe Perfrement
Francis Lown
Robert Moore?
11b November 1819 Thomas ANDREWS Salthouse Anne JORDAN? Salthouse Martha Jordan
Peter Ingles?
12b June 1820 William JARVIS Cley Elizabeth COE Salthouse

John Chapman
Mary Jordan, Mary Moy

13b October 1820 Robert EVERITT Glandford Francis LOWN   Willam Everitt
Mary Everitt
James White, curate
14b October 1822 George PANTON Kelling Elizabeth POOLEY   Robert Parten?
Massa Pooley
15b October 1823 Thomas PURDY Salthouse Mary JOHNSON Salthouse -? Johnson
-? Purdy
16b March 1824 William KEYMER widower Salthouse Ann WEGG Salthouse Thomas Proudfoot
Zipporah Bridges
W. E. Girdlestone
17b November 1825 Fenn MOORE Salthouse Mahalah HUGGINS Bale William Dew?
John L?
Robert Moore
18b January 1826 Edward PAINTER Clay Eliza DODMAN Salthouse Martha Mann?
Margaret Dodman
W E Girdlestone
19b April 1826 William LORD Fakenham Mary MANSBRIDGE widow Salthouse
William Banns?
Mary Moy
20b October 1826 Robert WOODHOUSE Salthouse Susannah ROWLAND Salthouse James Rowland
Marianne Grout
21b February 1827 John NICKALLS Weybourne Zipparah BRIDGES Salthouse John Baker
Unah Bridges
22b October 1827 Thomas PROUDFOOT,widower Salthouse Mary LYNN Cley Charles Lynn
Ann Lewis
23b October 1828 John STARLING Blakeney Mary Anne GROUT Salthouse James Harrison
Charlotte Grout
24b October 1829 Thomas DEW Salthouse Susan STOKELY Thornage John Dew
Sarah Ann Lown
25b November 1829 John DIX Salthouse Elizabeth JARY Salthouse

William Dix
Mary Dix

26b October 1830 James MARGARSON Thurning Mary Jordan Salthouse Ann Margarson
Caroline Bidewell?
27b January 1831 Benjamin OVERTON Salthouse Mary SophiaWARREN   Henry Overton
Unah Bridges
28b April 1831 James JACKSON Holt Susannah LYNN Salthouse Jonathan Viel
29b October 1831 William DIX   Martha BARNS   James Barnes
Hannah Dix
30b November 1831 Richard LUBBOCK , widower Kelling Maria COE Salthouse

Thomas Lubbock
Elizabeth Matthews

31b February 1833 James LOYNES Holt Maria PERFREMENT Salthouse

Joseph Hurst
Phebe Perfrement
Donna? Wigmore

32b July 1833 Leeds RICHARDSON Salthouse Elizabeth SHEPPERD Salthouse

John Lynn
Sarah E. Thurstone

33b September 1833 Samuel HANCOCK Salthouse Martha MOY Salthouse James Moy
Mary Moy
34b January 1834 Thomas BILL or BELL Letheringsett Mary MOY Salthouse James Moy
Rebekah Bill
35b Nov 1834 William Isaac BARSLEY Blakeney Charlotte GROUT Salthouse can't read it  
36b June 1835 Francis PEGG Salthouse Mary Ann CUBITT Salthouse

Henry Alexander Pegg
? - Pegg

37b May 1836 Adam WALLER Clay Mary JARY Salthouse John Dix
Elizabeth Dix
38b August 1836 George DEW Salthouse Eliza SPENCE Salthouse John Spence
Elizabeth Dew
Charles Codd of Cley
39b November 1836 William Warnes KEYMER Salthouse Sarah BURTON, widow Salthouse William Keymer
Anne Keymer
W E Girdlestone

© Val Fiddian 2005