Salthouse History site

John Dewing Jarvis, Miller, was born in Aylsham in 1814. He married Sarah Ann Perfrement who was born in Salthouse in 1815, and their children, all born in Salthouse were:

Robert John b Dec 1843 died 1863
Susanna (Maria) b March 1845
Alice Phebe b 1846
Edward b March 1848
David b July 1851
John Dodman b 1855
Georgiana b 1857

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The only Jarvises Walton Dew recorded on his 19th century list were:
Robert John JARVIS, died Septr. 1st 1863 Aged 63 years
and Sarah A. JARVIS, died Aug. 28th 1877, aged 22 years.

see vestry meetings mentioning John Jarvis and photos

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