Salthouse Art Group November 2012

Long time since I caught up with the Salthouse art Group! But it's still going strong.

only three members present on Wednesday 7th November but I
got a view of some previous work . . .


Muriel keeping up her so lively style ~


bad photo snap - I cut off the oyster catcher!

Muriel's Sea ^

Sue's sketch book >
Sue's paintings


Sue's latest just begun

Some PAST SALTHOUSE ART GROUP Sessions (beginning 2009):

Aug 12th * August 19th and 26th * September 2nd * September 9th September 16th * September 23rd * October 28th * October 7th * November 4th * November 11th * Nov 18th * Nov 25th * Jan13th* Jan 20th* Jan 27th * Feb 3 *Feb 10th * Feb 24th * March 3rd * March 10th * March 17 * March 24th * April 7th * April 14th * May 12th * May 19th * May 26th * June 2nd * June 9th * June 23rd * June 30th * July 7th * July 14th * August 8th * August 25th * September 1st * September 8th * September 15th * September 29th * November 3rd * November 17th * Jan 19th 2011 * Feb 2nd 2011 * Feb 9th * Feb 16th * *Feb 23rd* March 9th *March 30th * April 13th * April 27th * May 18th * May 25th * June 8th * 22nd June * August 17th * August 24th * September'11 * October 19th * November 9th * December 11th * January 18th * January 25th * Feb 15th * March 7th * March 14th * July 12th * January 11th 2013 *


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