The North Norfolk village with the Fascinating History

from the heath c 1820  

The churchwarden went up the tower
and took photos to the west, north and south of the village

Now  looking towards the north from the tower, we can see what looks like a trace of where the old channel used to be. In the sixteenth century  it was deep enough for  ships to come into Salthouse harbour. We are looking directly at Little Eye, and we can see Mill Drift leading straight across the marsh.

To see a readable copy of the ancient channel map (which is very big) click here  --or  for a quick look at photos of the original map click here

Above: In the foreground, through the battlements of the tower, you can see the house (with a white end) which used to be the Methodist chapel on the coast road overlooking the marsh and sea. It is now a private house. To read memories of the chapel in bygone days -

click here

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© Val Fiddian 2005