Reggie and Frank Holman and sons Derrick and Terry and Vic
and the
Salthouse Dun Cow Bowls Club

Frank Holman
Reggie Holman Derrick Holman Vic Holman
Reggie (Frank's brother)
Reggie's son Terry
Reggie's son Derrick
Frank's son Vic

The article goes on:
Since it was founded in 1934, the club has had good years, winning three of the four trophies open to it on accasions. but this season has been the best the club has known. Now the Sheringham and District Bowls League Cup, together with the League'd knock-out trophy, the Coast Cup, as well as the North Norfolk League Cup and their K.O. trophy, the Grange Cup, decorate the bar of the Dun Cow.

"All we have been in for, we have got" commented secretary Walter Cooper.
Four triples make up the league team, so with so limited a number of players to call on, two-thirds of the club's total strength is needed on the green every time they have a match.

Derrick Holman on the Dun Cow green c 1960s

But it is not only due to the club's bowling prowess that visitors on windy days dread a visit to the Dun Cow. For their exposed green looks straight across the salt marshes to the shingle bank and the North Sea.
The small club has good cause for congratulations however, for tahe two leagues cover an area from Wells to Sheringham along the coast, and as far inland as Saxthorpe. And in that area they reign supreme as E. B. A. league players.
Though the membership is small, the age range is wider than most clubs in the country for they have bowlers of all ages - from Percy Ramm a veteran of 78, down to 17 year old David Bartle. Also included in the team are 4 Holmans, Reg and his two sons Terry and Derrick, as well as their cousin Vic. the club's non-playing Chairman Mr H.J.Prothero ia as pleased as captain Dennis Hurp at their success.
The only person with any tinge of regret at their quadruple victory is landlady Mrs Brenda Manson. She has to polish the cups!


The Ladies bowls club playing on the Dun Cow green with the marsh and sea beyond 1940-50. The smoke house belonging to the hall farm behind the wall no longer exists.



2nd from left Priscilla Holman, Frank Holman's wife



from top left: Priscilla Holman, Primrose Dawson, Dolly Cooke, June Cooper, Alice Graveling, Alice Holman,







Derrick Holman, Reggie Holman, David Bartle, Club captain
Dennis Hurp, unidentified man behind,
secretary Walter Cooper and Club chairman H. J. Prothero.


CLICK HERE to see Reggie Holman

1976 Reggie Holman's Golden Wedding


© Val Fiddian 2005